Let's Build Back Accessible!

Prioritising accessibility now will enable better social and economic outcomes for all into the future.

Yellow background with white puzzle piece.

We at Be. Lab are excited by the government’s announcement of establishing a new Ministry and standalone accessibility legislation in 2022. The “Accelerating Accessibility in New Zealand” paper states an aspirational goal of creating “credible policy, system design and service delivery needed to achieve an accessible society”, and facilitating the “design of an approach to achieve a fully accessible New Zealand”.

After 11 years of working to advance accessibility throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, we read this with a sense of optimism and hope for the future. Leadership from government and commitment from each and every one of us is desperately needed to shift the dial for the 1 in 4 New Zealanders with access needs. We applaud this stated commitment. And the timing couldn’t be better.

Building better lives


Here in New Zealand we have always prided ourselves on our equitable society, however COVID-19 has highlighted the deep inequalities for some, including those with access needs. This has been especially apparent in the digital accessibility space, around accessing goods, services and information, and also in terms of employment, health and mental health outcomes for people with disabilities and access needs throughout the pandemic.

Unless we are actively designing access into all products, services, employment, education and the broader economy, the default position will remain inaccessible to the 25% of New Zealanders living with access needs. And inaccessibility carries a cost- in the enormous cost to human lives of an inaccessible world, and also the measurable cost to the economy of poor employment and health outcomes.

Right now, as New Zealand is poised to return to “business as usual”, we have a unique opportunity to think about how we might create better lives, ensuring that no one is left behind. Prioritising accessibility now will enable better social and economic outcomes for all in the future.


Building better business

Accessibility has been proven to have social and economic benefits for business too, and this is good news as business build back after the pandemic. Rather than being an added problem for business, in fact it provides an enormous opportunity to create social and economic value, as research shows embracing accessibility will expand customer base, by tapping into a new market represented by the access customer, and also provide a brand advantage.

Fostering accessibility also creates better culture, allowing organisations to attract and retain the best talent, and in the age of the “great resignation” this is something all employers will benefit from.

The research overwhelmingly shows that prioritising accessibility really does build better business. As our businesses build back after the pandemic, accessibility provides a key to success.

Rebuilding our economy through Access Tourism


Be. Lab has its roots in the 2011 Rugby World Cup, and we have always championed the opportunity of accessible tourism.

Especially now Access Tourism is key to building back our regions, our businesses and the tourism industry itself, as we recover from the losses of the pandemic.

As our country prepares to open up to the international market once again, if we commit to and invest in creating world-leading accessible experiences in our attractions, recreation spaces, hospitality, retail, and beyond we can also capitalise on the opportunity for our small nation to lead the way, and become the most accessible tourism destination in the world.

Strengthening New Zealand's international reputation as world-leading


We are at a critical juncture, and the world is changing rapidly. New technologies and global trends around social and environmental values are allowing us to question what we want our future world, and our future society, to look like. COVID-19 has given us the opportunity to pause and question, was the status quo working for us? Do we want to "return to normal", or could we take this opportunity to create a better world?

We are presented with this most exciting of opportunities, to get deep clarity about what is really important, to think about who and how we want to be in the world and how brave we are prepared to be to move towards the New Zealand we always thought we were.

As we build back New Zealand after COVID we must build back better, and in order to build back better we must build back accessible - as the social and economic benefits of accessibility are key to building successful businesses, communities and nations in the 21st century and beyond.

Right now is the moment that we can seize this opportunity to become a world-leader in accessible social and economic development. And it will take commitment from each and every one of us.

Creating a fully equitable, accessible New Zealand.

Showing that a small nation can lead the way, in building a future where everyone can thrive.

Join us on our mission, and commit to building back accessible, New Zealand!

The Be. Lab team have the expertise and experience to support you to achieve your accessibility goals. Get in touch today!


+64 9 309 8966
The Be. Lab Office
Suite 204
Level 2
48 Greys Avenue
Auckland Central
Auckland 1010
(Visits by appointment only)

Please e-mail info@belab.co.nz for details.

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