Opinion: Spare a thought for those locked out of digital world

How many of us would be prepared to wait 25 years to get our computer fixed? For a largely silent underclass in our society, being stuck with inoperable or insufficient technology for their needs is a shocking reality.

Be. Lab founder Minnie Baragwanath speaking on stage at The Power Of Inclusion Summit 2019 at Aotea Centre on October 04, 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand.

As someone who is legally blind, Be. Lab founder Minnie Baragwanath understands well how serious digital inaccessibility can be.

In this opinion piece Minnie explains how, in a world where technology is increasingly needed to access day-to-day services and employment, digital inaccessibility is blocking 25% of New Zealanders from participating in society, and thriving.

"Our exclusion from the digital world and economy means many of us regularly struggle – completely unnecessarily – to live with dignity and work to our full potential because of a lack of willingness to prioritise truly accessible design and availability of usable technology, computers, software, tech support training, appropriate funding, policies and processes that are actually fit for 2020 and beyond!"

Read Minnie's full opinion piece for Stuff here.



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